Monday, July 20, 2009

To The Streets! Because I'll Be Driving On Your Sidewalks And Into Your Houses!


Yeah I started my 6 hour driving lesson to get my permit today, 2 hours for 3 days

Not gonna lie, I've been all tears about this driving thing. I must be the only teenager alive who doesn't care if I ever learn to drive or not. I don't like cars that much and I always have a fear of getting into a accident. So yeah, I was nervous as hell.

Since our school has 2 teachers that are qualified to teach driving, I'm learning to drive through my school, and Mr. Champlain *Champ!* is my supervisior! THANK GOD! Champ loved my brother in Web Design, and I had the privilegde to meet Champ this year because Matt always got a pass to go to his class and use the computers instead of sitting in boring study hall. My other option was have Mrs. Zane teach me. She was my gym teacher this year. I personally like her, but I know she'd be a drill sergeant with me.

So Champ was able to help calm my nerves, being humorous and taking it easy. I honestly didn't do too much today, but I did much more than I expected. I was basically expecting me to spend the entire 2 hours in the parking lot, thats how scared I was.

I only spent like 40 minutes in the parking lot practicing.He then told me that I should get on the road or take one more time around. I knew if I took one more time around I was NEVER gonna leave the parking lot. So we hit the road, well, first we had to fill up the tank. Which is REALLY AWESOME because I found out our school has its own personal tank of gas!!! xD

Spent the rest of the time on the road. He took me to some backroads and we practiced a K turn, which I personally think I phail at right now. We drove up to Allaire Park and back. Before I knew it he had me on the highway, which was one of my biggest fears with the driving. Drove across Belmar bridge and drove through town and headed back to the school.

He did help out alot today, I zoned out a few times xD but I have returned safely! *for now*, onyl 2 more days and maybe I'll have my permit when its done