Saturday, July 18, 2009

This Blog Has Been Brought To You By The Letter "B" For Books! Or Blogs...Or Bananas...Or Bounty Hunters >.>

^Yeah, that's one damn good title xD

Something I forgot to mention is that one of my favorite hobbies is reading *waits for the booing of losers to stop*

I mean honestly, how can you not like reading? The worlds created with ink are sooooooo much better than our world!

I bring you this blog today because I legit just finished reading Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

EXTREMELY GOOD! The best in the series so far in my opinion! Eragon, being the first book, is still good just because, well aren't all the first books always the good ones!? While Eldest, the second book, just plain out BORED me to death. The only thing interesting there before the Battle of Burning Plains was the things going on between Eragon and Arya! That's it! I even skipped chapters in that book which I never do! But Brisingr was great, it had plenty of action and twists and turns to keep me interested until the end.

And oh god, the little "Star Wars" moment in there? *everyone who has read it should know EXACTLY what I'm talking about* I was like screaming at 12 at night like "WTF DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!!!" Paolini I praise you, so young yet you have so much talent. I truly hope you continue writing after you write the final book in the Inheiritance series.

Now that I've finished praising such fine work, lemme tell you about my favorites. When it comes to books, I prefer fantasy and other fiction works. There are very few nonfiction books I can stand. I honestly cannot just pick one book to call my favorite. Instead I have a favorite series.

My favorite series of all time is, forgive me if this is not the right name for the trilogy, the Inkworld Trilogy which contains Inkheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath written by Cornelia Funke. I cannot even find the right words to describe these books. If you love fiction then you should definitly read these books. Cornelia Funke just has this way with words, they just seem to dance on the pages and help create such beautiful images in your mind. I have also read The Theif Lord and Dragon Rider which are also two wonderful books she has written.
Also, just a side note to anyone whos read Inkdeath. Just the way she ended it there's totally gonna be another series riiiiggghhtttt? *raises hand* come on you know it!

My other favorite series, and please do not kill me, but yes it is the Twilight series *ducks for cover* I have a feeling I don't have to say anything about this >.>
But seriously people, do not judge this book without reading it, ESPECIALLY if you saw the movie. I will agree, even though I didn't mind the movie, that the movie did absolutely no justice to the books. I truly believe that the previews made Twilight seem like it was going to be like this epic action filled movie and got the hopes up of everyone. No, Twilight is simply a love story and that is all
And I am in complete fear when New Moon comes out in theatres, because in my opinion that was the worst book in the series, but also from what I heard from one of my insane twilightly freaky friends is that the entire plotline is completely messed up. IDK if that'll do this movie any justice or not.

Other personal favorite books that I suggest fantasy lovers should read are:
The Inheiritance Series *Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and a 4th book*- Christopher Paolini
Abarat Series- Clive Barker
The Sisters Grimm Series- Michael Buckley
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West- Gregory Macguire
Poison- Christopher Wooding
Storm Theif- Christopher Wooding

In my room there is 3 shelves, 2 which are completely filled with nearly 100 books. Many of the books on these shelves I have not read because I somehow lost interest in finishing a series. The other day, I told myself I don't read as much as I used to, and that I should read when I'm bored. So in order to inspire myself to read I pulled all the books I haven't read off the shelves and stack them all in a neat pile on my floor. On top of this pile I have a sticky note that reads "BORED? Read a book!" It surprisingly works, hence why I finally finished Brisingr.

This pile consist of 24 books from the shelves, and 3 books I just received that I must do for summer reading. So that's 27 books I want to finish before school. Now that Brisingr is finished that leaves 26 books.

These 26 books are *and this I believe is the order I will read them in*:
The Gulick House- Ari Sims *This author is actually a friend of my friend Matt. I discovered this book when Matt had it during school, I read the back and it seemed interesting. So Matt got me the book for my birthday, with Ari's signature in it 8D, she is a brand new author and I strongly suggest you support her! I believe The Gulick House is now available on Amazon*

The Five People You Meet In Heaven- Mitch Albom *Summer Reading*

Frankenstein- Mary Shelly *Summer Reading*

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time- Mark Haddon *Summer Reading*

Son of a Witch- Gregory Macguire *sequel to Wicked*

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The End- Lemony Snicket *HOW HORRIBLE AM I!? I've had this on my shelf for years and never read it! Even though I've read all the other ones!*

Nightrise- Anthony Horowitz *Third book in the Gatekeepers series*

The Fire Within- Chris D'Lacey

Icefire- Chris D'Lacey *sequal to The Fire Within, tis funny I read the third and last book of this series first xD*

Ruler of the Realm- Herbie Brennan

Faerie Lord- Herbie Brennan

Sisters Grimm 4, 5, and 6- Michael Buckley

Magic Steps, Street Magic, Cold Fire, Shatterglass, and The Will of the Empress- Tamora Pierce *first 4 are part of there own series, last is its own book that follows the series*

Emperor Mage and The Realm of the Gods- Tamora Pierce *3rd and 4th in the Immortals series*

Alanna: The First Adventure, In The Hand of the Goddess, The Woman Who Rides Like A Man, and Lioness Rampant- Tamora Pierce *The Song of the Lioness series, which actually comes before the Immortals series xD*

Trickster's Queen- Tamora Pierce *Second book in a series that comes after the Immortals series*

*read everything from above* WOW I'm a loser xD

I shall leave you now, for I will soon be off to wander the mall my bf Jake, his older sister Emily, Matt, and another friend named Ciara *keer-rah, Not sierra!* and then we shall watch some movies and have dinner at Jake's grandparents house 8)

ta ta for now!

"The trickster, the riddler, the keeper of balance, he of many faces who finds life in death and who fears no evil; he who walks through doors"
-Page 207, Brisingr


  1. no worries the summer reading doesn't ALL suck this year. I loved the five people you meet in heaven and The curious incident of the dog in the night-time was good too, I loved the kid in it.

  2. Yeah I kinda figured that. But really? I'm expecting to hate The Five People You Meet In Heaven, hence why I'm picking to read it first >.> I can't wait to start reading Frankenstein and The curious incident of the dog in the night-time didn't sound good until I looked at the cover and skimmed a few pages,seems like an interesting read

  3. The Five people you mett in Heaven is a GREAT book
