Thursday, July 16, 2009

Starting Up

Alright lets face it, I'm a copycat xD

A few of my friends have blogs, they seemed interesting so I decided to make one to

Since it is quite late and this is my first blog, I shall just start it off by telling you alittle about myself

Shall we start with the outside?
Call me J, tis just a nickname, but I like it much better than my real name
I have just recently turned 16
I have dirty blonde hair and olive green eyes
I am a female, lol. If you don't believe me then I dare you to ask my friends Naminoo and One Too Many Daiquiris about that one time at the mall... xD
I am also taken <3
I am short, 5'2" to be exact, this I know. Call me short or make any jokes around it and I will stab you in the face multiple times
Have a nice day 8)

I do not do any sports. Oh, boo hoo get over it!
I am not atheletic and would not be able to last
I do horseback riding every Sunday and I have been doing this for the past 6 years
Thus I am not a fat ass and do get exercise 8p
I currently ride a gorgeous retired jumping Quater Horse named Max
And I ride Western, I don't like English that much, even though I post and hold the reigns with two hands xD

Hobbies now?
Need I say more?
I love it with all my heart
I do take art classes, but with photography I can capture beauty in the most realistic way possible
Maybe I will post some photos on here sometime?
Until then here is my Deviantart gallery:
Other hobbies include simple things like art, going on the computer, music, and video games

I shall go off on rants about most of those topics sometime later, but for now I shall end this entry and continue getting myself familiar with my new blog

And I guess, kinda stealing from my friend *Lol love ya One Too Many Daiquiris*, I shall end each post with a quote of some kind, basically anything stuck in my mind

In honor of Paramore's new song being on itunes! *Ignorance, go buy it!!!*

"Ignorance is your new best friend"


  1. I miss you toooooo! I still wanna go to the beach and get a tan with you! 8p

  2. Now we like all have blogs, we are going to have to advertise eachother's by putting links and stuff on our own!
