Friday, July 24, 2009

Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

It...was... AWESOMEEEEE!!!!!

My parents started fighting, so my brother quickly left the house, taking me

We went to the movies were I saw it!

OMG it may be the best one out of all the Ice Ages. It was hilarious and had a ton of action going on in it.

And Buck. Oh lord, Buck. This weasel deserves his own paragraph. He basically MADE this movie. He was terrific, funny as hell, legit INSANE. I was laughing at basically anything he said. If they make a 4th movie, I will highly disappointed if they do not give him a random appearance somewhere, doubt they will, but that would be awesome. Also, his dramatic face closeups, explanations, and theories are just full of epic win.

The animators really outdid themselves. Especially one scene during the end, where they went all starwarsy.

But yeah, that's all I can really say without spoiling it


Manny: Just WHEN exactly did you loose your mind?
Buck: About three months ago. I woke up married to a pineapple. An UGLY pineapple. *sighs lovingly* But I loved her so...

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