Sunday, July 26, 2009

Revenge Is So Sweet, Fun, And Pink!


Today was my boyfriend's birthday party, I had alot of fun

As I said before me and his sister Emily had revenge plotted, but don't worry, it was fun and silly revenge

You see, in order to understand my revenge, you must know my boyfriend, Jake. He likes to be...MANLY. No not manly, its MANLY, with caps.

Sooo we basically destroyed that manliness, simply with his least favorite color. PINK!

We had nearly 300 balloons, they were pink and white. 6 of them even said "It's a girl!" on them. Pink and White streamers all over the room. We had flowery Sweet Sixteen paper plates with matching cups and pink napkins, all on a pink table cloth. And just to push the joke on his friends abit, we bought My Little Pony goodybags, and on all of them I wrote cute names like "Cuddles" and "Shnookums"

I'm shocked he left all the decorations up! The only thing he complained about was the ribbons dangling from some balloons

Oh but there was one more thing to my "revenge"

We were originally going to make little tags out of this to put on the goodybags, but we decided to be nice and just make a card out of it.

The idea was inspired by his grandmother Nana. She suggested we do something with face, a picture or something. The second she said that me and Emily basically got the same idea.

It was a tag team plan. She created what to do, she wanted to make Jake into a woman. She then picked out the picture of Jake we would use. During that time we were talking about America's Next Top Model *don't ask* which reminded me of one of the episodes where I created the entirity of this plan. Put Jake's face on "The Birth of Venus"

For those of you who don't know what "The Birth of Venus" is:

It was epic, we even put lipstick on him. I think he actually liked the card xD

But yes, everything went well, no one was mad, and the party was overall fun 8)

"Sweet is revenge--especially to women."
-Lord Byron

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