Friday, July 17, 2009

I Know Video Games Hate Me, But Seriously!?

Today's rant is brought to you thanks to my dearest boyfriend's birthday coming up 8p

I was originally gonna say something about books, or a little blurb on my new school schedule, but I decided I shall talk about what's been pissing me off for the past few days xD

Yes, I am a female who loves video games

Problem is they hate me dearly, I'm absolutely horrible at them xD

Yet you can thank my older brother for hooking me onto playing them

Because our parents always made us pay for our own game consuls etc etc as we got older, we only own the Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, Xbox, Wii *which is the only one that is mine, my parents actually got it for my birthday, twas quite a shock*, and my brother recently just bought himself the Xbox 360.

So as you can tell, our game pickings are quite slim. That means yes I have never played Kingdom Hearts nor any Final Fantasy games *ducks from all the games getting thrown at me*

My personal game favorites?

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
My "little brother" Ant got this for me for my birthday, and no one saw me for weeks after that. I did beat it, but according to him I'm quite entertaining to watch play it because I PHAIL sooo horribly. I have a massive problem with coordination in video games, especially when rushed, which explains why I am so bad at them xD

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World
Bought it for myself because my boyfriend loves this game and brought it over my house one time to play. I ended up really loving it due to the plotline and not the action, I'm such a sap for love! I still have yet to finish the first one though xD I only get to play it when my boyfriend brings it over

Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Honestly, must I tell you about this? Me and my brother own the first one for the 64.
It's clearly impossible to hate this game, even though I phail epically at it. Atleast I could beat Subspace Emissary on easy! xD

Halo/Halo 2
No description needed. I played the Halo campaign with my brother, since I was very young I never did play every level. Halo 2 I beat by myself, even though it was on easy. I don't think I'll ever play Halo 3 though, my brother says it sucks and refuses to buy it for his 360.

Burnout Revenge
Haha, your probably all looking at me now like "WTF?" because of a random car driving game. This is basically the only video game I was ever good at, hence why I love it so much!

Fuzion Frenzy
Only the people who have played it will understand! Lol, the first video game I was good at!!! I haven't played it in years though because it all scratched up from playing Twisted System waaaaaayyyy too many times xD I would love it if I got a new one. Best party game ever 8p

Now to get to the point of todays ranting!

I have always known video games hated me, but these last few days have fully proved it xD

It all started with Brawl! My boyfriend absolutely loves Brawl and has Brawl parties all the time. But, his disc is all scratched up now and needed a new one! So for his birthday he asked his friends to all chip in together and get him a new Brawl disc.
Well my mom was going to the mall one day and asked me to come, I had birthday gifts to buy so I joined. I then decided that since I was going to the mall I could pick up Brawl at the Gamestop and have his friends pay me back. I txted them and they said it was fine.
I go to the GOOD Gamestop *For some reason there are 2 Gamestops at our mall, one is better than the other one* and search for Brawl. When I couldn't find it on the shelves I asked one of the workers. They then told me that they currently didn't have it in stock. Soooo I go to the other Gamestop. Guess what? Even WORSE luck because there I found out that Brawl is being discontinued in stores!
At this point I'm just like "FUCK!", but my mom shocking came through this time! She asked me to txt one of my friends and check to see if PC Richard & Sons sells video games. I txted Ant to check, he said they did and that they had Brawl in stock. So me and my mom drove to PC Richard & Sons to go see, and there it was! The LAST one in the store! Whew! Success was mine! xD

The next scenario is short, but all thanks to Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Just because I had gotten Brawl for my boyfriend, doesn't mean I was done shopping for him. I still needed to get a personal gift. It took me forever to think of one. But I then thought of how I lended him MM but he couldn't play it because he didn't have a Jumper Pak. So I figured, "OK! I can get him that!"
Of course, all I had to ask my boyfriend was "Do you prefer 64 or Wii?" and he was able to guess the fucking thing >.< Destroying the plan. Plus it would've costed too much

My backup plan was Tales of the Abyss. I was originally gonna get this for him for Valentines Day, until I found out I had to buy it online and I didn't have that much time. This was the only other plan I could think of. But of course, today I go online to look for it. Because I do not trust Ebay, the only reliable source that had TotA was Amazon, and it was selling for $93!!!
Bye bye back up plan.

Thankfully Ant uses his brain! He remember about Final Fantasy Dissidia, which comes out August 25th. Apparently its a game my boyfriend reeeeeaaaaaallllllyyyy wants. I check on Amazon *cheaper than gamestop* and its only $36.99 plus free shipping! I can easily preorder it and do an IOU for my bf.
But of course, Amazon wants to spaz out today and not let me get it T.T

Thus all the reason I am pissed off a video games this week!

And thus concludes this rant, I shall end this with my favorite and most true video game quote

"Courage Is The Magic That Turns Dreams Into Reality"
-Ritcher, Tales of Symphona: Dawn of a New World


  1. Lol! Hey atleast I was finally able to preorder FFD for him! And I got you guys Brawl for next Saturday 8p
