Friday, September 4, 2009


I will admit I'm shocked it didn't take as long to be fixed

Though I am pissed that I didn't get what I was suppose to get!!!!

So yeah, normally I do a first day of school review on the class and teachers. Since my schedule was messed up I decided to pass on that until it got fixed

SO here we go!

Period 1
Subject: Latin 4 Honors
Teacher: Mr. Nardino AKA Nards
Friends: Kyle, Katherine, Sean, and hopefully Jake will be able to switch into the class
Comments: Nothing much to say, I had Nards freshman year so I already know he's a good teacher that gives a shitload of very needed extra credit. First year I actually have my Latin friends in my Latin class!!!

Period 2
Subject: Gym/ Lab on Fridays
Teacher: Mrs. Gross/ Mr. Place on Fridays
Friends: Kelly. KC, Alyssa, and Alex are in my gym period but not my class
Comments: Can't really say much about the teacher. I've barely seen her since we've just been doing locker stuff and I didn't see her today because of an assembly. She seemed nice-ish but strict

Period 3
Subject: Chemistry CP
Teacher: Mr. Place
Friends: Kelly
Comments: Place seems very nice, strict yet laid back somehow. Chem doesnt seem like that fun of a class to take but we'll see

Period 4
Subject: Algebra 2 CP
Teacher: Mr. Coghlan
Friends: KC and kinda Jamie
Comments: I always like math, it just comes easy to me. But UGH Coghlans voice just irriates me and he talks too much!

Period 5
Subject: English 11 Honors
Teacher: Mrs. Innocenti
Friends: KC, Kelly, and Alex. My same English friends from last year!
Comments: I'm surprised that Innocenti is better in class than she is in my homeroom. In homeroom shes all like spaced out and stupid but shes actually not a bad teacher so far

Period 6
Subject: Lunch
Friends: Kelly and KC
Comments: I am EXTREMELY upset that I was not able to keep my period 8 lunch. Sadly there were just absolutely NO electives I could choose for 6th period

Period 7
Subject: Film As Art I/ Film As Art II
Teacher: Mrs. Dyba
Friends: Charlie
Comments: I can't wait for this class to get going, it seems so much fun! and Dyba is INSANE!!!

Period 8
Subject: Introduction to Horticulture- Botony I/ Introduction to Horticulture- Botony II
Teacher: Mrs. Gallagher
Friends: NO ONE
Comment: Let me explain why I have no friends in this class and probably won't. This class is ALL seniors. The requirements for this class are to have completed Bio and Chem. I am currently taking Chem. My guidance counselor called a supervisor or something and they said I was allowed to take Chem and Botony at the same time. Gallagher had alittle hissy fit at first, but its all good now. The class just legit scares me cuz I dont know anyone. I MISS MY LUNCH!

Period 9
Subject: US History II CP
Teacher: Mr. Altobelli
Friends: Katie
Comment: Seems interesting... thats all that can really be said right now...

So yeah, alittle grr, but whatever

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Is it really THAT hard to just glance at the screen before you press the "OK" button!?!???

School just started, so that means YAY new schedules!

Our school has this online site where we can view our grades, attendance, etc etc

Someone working on the site over the summer accidently left something on for 3 hours, letting students view their schedules before hand

Well, I checked mine. I've never had a schedule issue, this is my first year. It was a mixed up. My Chem class wasnt next to my gym class, also it gave me 2 chem classes

My mom works as a substitute teacher at my highschool, so when I was doing my 6 hours behind the wheel she popped into the school to get it fixed.

According to the lady she fixed it, She moved my latin to 1st period, moved my gym to 2nd period, 3rd period chem, 4th period algebra, 5th period english, moved my history to 6th period, 7th period film as art, moved my lunch to 8th period, and a 9th period elective (either Ancient World History or Creative Writing)

I could deal with this schedule

Well I got my schedule today. All my classes are fine

Except I freakin have 1st and 9th period latin classes and 6th and 8th period lunches!!!!


I mean glace at the fucking screen for double classes before you press ok for fucks sake!

What makes no sense to me is that SOOOOOO many juniors are missing a lunch period yet I somehow got 2, honestly WTF!?

Now Im probably stuck with this schedule until next week because the fix the seniors schedules first.

I'm going to be soooo fucking mad if the mess up any of my other classes, specially my 1st period latin class!!! Just gimmie the 6th period history and 9th period elective that I was SUPPOSE to have and ALREADY FIXED over the SUMMER dammit!!!!!

"You can get all A's and still flunk life"
-Walker Percy

Friday, August 14, 2009


Lol I gotta do a quick blurb on this!

I have being trying to get interested in some new music cuz lets face it, showtunes are taking over my ipod, I need more variety in there

So I have been listening to some other bands and singers

I have heard about Nevershoutnever! before but never really wanted to listen to them. Why you ask? Because from the name and from people I know who listen to it I figured it was either a screamo band or something


Guy and his Ukulele. Greatest. Thing. Ever.

I first listened to Happy and it makes me, well, happy! 8D

The music is just, a breath of fresh air! It's alot different from whats out there now. So upbeat and cheerful, it definitly makes me smile, which is saying alot because I get very sad when I'm by myself

I'm currently listening to every song I can possibly find by him on youtube, my itunes is out of money at the moment 8p


"I'm happy knowing that you are mine,
the grass is greener on the other side,
The More I think, The more I wish that we
could lay here for hours, and justa reminisce."

-Happy, Nevershoutnever!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Alittle Faith Restored + Side Note

I now know how I want my funeral to be

Today I attended my Aunt Judy's mother's funeral.

My Aunt Judy really isn't my aunt, she's my godfather's wife, but I call her my aunt. As for her mother, I've never met her in my life. So I figured I'd kinda just be sitting there.

Wrong. This funeral brought me to tears.

Most people know how funerals go. Fancy church, mainly whatever one the deceased or the host goes to. Over 100 people. Priest. 2 hours of boring hymms and prayers.

This one just...was so touching...

It was held at a tiny little church, there was less than 100 people, idk if it even broke 50 or not. It was only an hour long. There were few prayers and hymms given by a woman.

There were two parts of this funeral that touched me the most.

First was my Aunt Judy's Granddaughter. She came up and sang a hymm for us. Dear god she has such a pretty voice and shes like 6 years old. She sang because her great grandma always loved to hear her sing at church

The second part. At some funerals there are those who write little speeches about the deceased. At this one there was that, sorta. They were more of just telling memories about the deceased. Everything I heard about my Aunt Judy's mother was good... This woman was so unselfish and dedicated her life to giving and helping her family and friends.

The woman who was leading the cermony even thought the way I did. She had never met the deceased before. But, after speaking to the family and hearing all this memories she said herself that she had felt cheated to have never met the deceased and that the deceased's family was the way a family should be. Caring and helping each other and always being there.

It makes me wonder now what will be said when I'll die... Will I be remembered in a good way like my Aunt Judy's mother? Or will people speak nothing good of me? I wish I could attend my own funeral, just to hear...

This is a side note. Tomorrow I'm leaving for Florida. I'm going to visit My Aunt Jill and Johndra, take pictures of their daschunds Beri and Sera, and finally see their new cat Wilson! I won't be back until the 11th, so no blogging until then.


"I see the world in a swirl of hues,but my favorite color is shame."
-Theatre, Gatsbys American Dream

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I haven't been on for awhile so I figured I could go babble on about something, so I choose musicals, because I want to 8p

In the past year I have been introduced to showtunes, and I love it! My theatre geek friends are a reason I have been turned to this sad but epic obsession. The main reason was from seeing shows in London, and since then I have seen many others!

The first real show I ever saw was Beauty and the Beast on broadway. I'm sorry to say I barely remember it. I was young, I believe I was only 8. What I do remember was that our original plan was to go see The Lion King, but the tickets were sold out, so we saw this instead. I remember that one of the songs Belle sang *Home I think it was called* was a song on one of my Disney CDs, which was awesome because I was always wondering where that song was from because it wasn't in the movie. And of course, I remember liking this musical. I'd like to see it again though.

Second show, and the funniest musical ever, was Spamalot. Even better, this one I saw in London, so it had REAL BRITISH ACCENTS xD. 3rd row seats. This was indeed one of the best musicals ever. It was just funny as hell, there should be no reason that they just took it off broadway. You must understand that I was practically raised on Monty Python, we have all of their movies and the Flying Circus series. So seeing this kinda completed my life. 8p

Third show, which I also saw in London, was Wicked. Best Musical Ever. Hands down. The story behind this one was that in London we only planned to see Spammalot. Every day we walked to the Victoria Tube Station and right across from it was a theatre doing Wicked, so we saw the massive green sign everyday. On our last day in London, we had basically done every local thing possible, so my mom suggested we go check to see if Wicked had any tickets left on sale. Lucky us, they had tickets, not to far back, but far enough to the point I couldn't really see their faces, but thats alright. But as I said, definitly the best musical ever. It's funny, sad, romantic, dramatic, everything!

Fourth show, Phantom of the Opera. I have this younger friend named Kristin that goes to art with me. She had gotten herself into a POTO obsession. One day she brought in the CD from the movie and we played that on the little boombox. I found myself liking one of the songs so I listened to it on the computer, gradually moving onto some other songs, then asking to borrow the CD and the movie from Kristin all together. I saw POTO on broadway a few days after Christmas. I think I liked the movie version alittle too much because the broadway version wasn't pleasing me, but it was still very good and very impressive. Visually it's fantastic, and the actors have very impressive vocal skills

Afterwards, all other shows I've seen have been from local theatres and school stuff. Those shows were Little Shop of Horrors, The Wedding Singer, Once Upon A Mattress, The Producers, and Jesus Christ Superstar

Because of my little showtune obsession, I need a new iPod because my 1st gen nano can not hold all of my songs now.

On my iPod I have the broadway versions of Little Shop of Horrors, Wicked, and The Wedding Singer.

I also have the movie versions of Sweeney Todd, Rent, and Phantom of the Opera.

And then there are just single songs *planning on getting the albums for* from Hairspray *movie version* and Legally Blonde

I'm planning on getting the albums for the 2 musical mentioned above, plus Spamalot, Jesus Christ Superstar, Once Upon A Mattress, Dreamgirls*movie version*, and Toxic Avenger. I wanna get the movie version of The Producers, but iTunes doesn't have it anymore T.T

and then theres Across The Universe and Moulin Rouge, movie musicals. Need to get the full album for ATU and I have the pt.1 album for Moulin Rouge.

Me and my friends are so cool that we blast whatever showtunes I have on my iPod while driving in my friend Matt's car xD

Enough babbling! I'll let you all be now!

"In any great adventure, that you don't want to lose, victory depends upon the poeple that you choose. So, listen, Arthur darling, closely to this news: We won't succeed on Broadway, If we don't have any Jews"
-You Won't Succeed on Broadway, Spamalot

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Revenge Is So Sweet, Fun, And Pink!


Today was my boyfriend's birthday party, I had alot of fun

As I said before me and his sister Emily had revenge plotted, but don't worry, it was fun and silly revenge

You see, in order to understand my revenge, you must know my boyfriend, Jake. He likes to be...MANLY. No not manly, its MANLY, with caps.

Sooo we basically destroyed that manliness, simply with his least favorite color. PINK!

We had nearly 300 balloons, they were pink and white. 6 of them even said "It's a girl!" on them. Pink and White streamers all over the room. We had flowery Sweet Sixteen paper plates with matching cups and pink napkins, all on a pink table cloth. And just to push the joke on his friends abit, we bought My Little Pony goodybags, and on all of them I wrote cute names like "Cuddles" and "Shnookums"

I'm shocked he left all the decorations up! The only thing he complained about was the ribbons dangling from some balloons

Oh but there was one more thing to my "revenge"

We were originally going to make little tags out of this to put on the goodybags, but we decided to be nice and just make a card out of it.

The idea was inspired by his grandmother Nana. She suggested we do something with face, a picture or something. The second she said that me and Emily basically got the same idea.

It was a tag team plan. She created what to do, she wanted to make Jake into a woman. She then picked out the picture of Jake we would use. During that time we were talking about America's Next Top Model *don't ask* which reminded me of one of the episodes where I created the entirity of this plan. Put Jake's face on "The Birth of Venus"

For those of you who don't know what "The Birth of Venus" is:

It was epic, we even put lipstick on him. I think he actually liked the card xD

But yes, everything went well, no one was mad, and the party was overall fun 8)

"Sweet is revenge--especially to women."
-Lord Byron

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs

It...was... AWESOMEEEEE!!!!!

My parents started fighting, so my brother quickly left the house, taking me

We went to the movies were I saw it!

OMG it may be the best one out of all the Ice Ages. It was hilarious and had a ton of action going on in it.

And Buck. Oh lord, Buck. This weasel deserves his own paragraph. He basically MADE this movie. He was terrific, funny as hell, legit INSANE. I was laughing at basically anything he said. If they make a 4th movie, I will highly disappointed if they do not give him a random appearance somewhere, doubt they will, but that would be awesome. Also, his dramatic face closeups, explanations, and theories are just full of epic win.

The animators really outdid themselves. Especially one scene during the end, where they went all starwarsy.

But yeah, that's all I can really say without spoiling it


Manny: Just WHEN exactly did you loose your mind?
Buck: About three months ago. I woke up married to a pineapple. An UGLY pineapple. *sighs lovingly* But I loved her so...