Friday, August 14, 2009


Lol I gotta do a quick blurb on this!

I have being trying to get interested in some new music cuz lets face it, showtunes are taking over my ipod, I need more variety in there

So I have been listening to some other bands and singers

I have heard about Nevershoutnever! before but never really wanted to listen to them. Why you ask? Because from the name and from people I know who listen to it I figured it was either a screamo band or something


Guy and his Ukulele. Greatest. Thing. Ever.

I first listened to Happy and it makes me, well, happy! 8D

The music is just, a breath of fresh air! It's alot different from whats out there now. So upbeat and cheerful, it definitly makes me smile, which is saying alot because I get very sad when I'm by myself

I'm currently listening to every song I can possibly find by him on youtube, my itunes is out of money at the moment 8p


"I'm happy knowing that you are mine,
the grass is greener on the other side,
The More I think, The more I wish that we
could lay here for hours, and justa reminisce."

-Happy, Nevershoutnever!

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