Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Is it really THAT hard to just glance at the screen before you press the "OK" button!?!???

School just started, so that means YAY new schedules!

Our school has this online site where we can view our grades, attendance, etc etc

Someone working on the site over the summer accidently left something on for 3 hours, letting students view their schedules before hand

Well, I checked mine. I've never had a schedule issue, this is my first year. It was a mixed up. My Chem class wasnt next to my gym class, also it gave me 2 chem classes

My mom works as a substitute teacher at my highschool, so when I was doing my 6 hours behind the wheel she popped into the school to get it fixed.

According to the lady she fixed it, She moved my latin to 1st period, moved my gym to 2nd period, 3rd period chem, 4th period algebra, 5th period english, moved my history to 6th period, 7th period film as art, moved my lunch to 8th period, and a 9th period elective (either Ancient World History or Creative Writing)

I could deal with this schedule

Well I got my schedule today. All my classes are fine

Except I freakin have 1st and 9th period latin classes and 6th and 8th period lunches!!!!


I mean glace at the fucking screen for double classes before you press ok for fucks sake!

What makes no sense to me is that SOOOOOO many juniors are missing a lunch period yet I somehow got 2, honestly WTF!?

Now Im probably stuck with this schedule until next week because the fix the seniors schedules first.

I'm going to be soooo fucking mad if the mess up any of my other classes, specially my 1st period latin class!!! Just gimmie the 6th period history and 9th period elective that I was SUPPOSE to have and ALREADY FIXED over the SUMMER dammit!!!!!

"You can get all A's and still flunk life"
-Walker Percy

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