Friday, September 4, 2009


I will admit I'm shocked it didn't take as long to be fixed

Though I am pissed that I didn't get what I was suppose to get!!!!

So yeah, normally I do a first day of school review on the class and teachers. Since my schedule was messed up I decided to pass on that until it got fixed

SO here we go!

Period 1
Subject: Latin 4 Honors
Teacher: Mr. Nardino AKA Nards
Friends: Kyle, Katherine, Sean, and hopefully Jake will be able to switch into the class
Comments: Nothing much to say, I had Nards freshman year so I already know he's a good teacher that gives a shitload of very needed extra credit. First year I actually have my Latin friends in my Latin class!!!

Period 2
Subject: Gym/ Lab on Fridays
Teacher: Mrs. Gross/ Mr. Place on Fridays
Friends: Kelly. KC, Alyssa, and Alex are in my gym period but not my class
Comments: Can't really say much about the teacher. I've barely seen her since we've just been doing locker stuff and I didn't see her today because of an assembly. She seemed nice-ish but strict

Period 3
Subject: Chemistry CP
Teacher: Mr. Place
Friends: Kelly
Comments: Place seems very nice, strict yet laid back somehow. Chem doesnt seem like that fun of a class to take but we'll see

Period 4
Subject: Algebra 2 CP
Teacher: Mr. Coghlan
Friends: KC and kinda Jamie
Comments: I always like math, it just comes easy to me. But UGH Coghlans voice just irriates me and he talks too much!

Period 5
Subject: English 11 Honors
Teacher: Mrs. Innocenti
Friends: KC, Kelly, and Alex. My same English friends from last year!
Comments: I'm surprised that Innocenti is better in class than she is in my homeroom. In homeroom shes all like spaced out and stupid but shes actually not a bad teacher so far

Period 6
Subject: Lunch
Friends: Kelly and KC
Comments: I am EXTREMELY upset that I was not able to keep my period 8 lunch. Sadly there were just absolutely NO electives I could choose for 6th period

Period 7
Subject: Film As Art I/ Film As Art II
Teacher: Mrs. Dyba
Friends: Charlie
Comments: I can't wait for this class to get going, it seems so much fun! and Dyba is INSANE!!!

Period 8
Subject: Introduction to Horticulture- Botony I/ Introduction to Horticulture- Botony II
Teacher: Mrs. Gallagher
Friends: NO ONE
Comment: Let me explain why I have no friends in this class and probably won't. This class is ALL seniors. The requirements for this class are to have completed Bio and Chem. I am currently taking Chem. My guidance counselor called a supervisor or something and they said I was allowed to take Chem and Botony at the same time. Gallagher had alittle hissy fit at first, but its all good now. The class just legit scares me cuz I dont know anyone. I MISS MY LUNCH!

Period 9
Subject: US History II CP
Teacher: Mr. Altobelli
Friends: Katie
Comment: Seems interesting... thats all that can really be said right now...

So yeah, alittle grr, but whatever

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